Thursday, May 23, 2013

Islam in a Few Lines

Islam’s definition, unlike other great religions of the world, lies in its very name. The word Islam basically means peace acquired by total submission to the will of Allah (The God). It’s one of the great monotheistic religions of the world with over a billion followers. Through birth, migration and conversion, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA and in the world.

Although many people believe that Islam began in the Arabian Peninsula fourteen hundred years ago, the religion teaches the exact opposite. The Islamic teachings adhere to the concept that all prophets – right from Adam to Muhammad – were Muslims. In other words, Islam started with the creation of mankind. Islam claims that there’ve been minor changes in some rulings and commandments of the Lord in accordance with the people’s conditions and civilizations from time to time, but the basic concept of God has remained the same.

            Islam has five pillars upon which the religion stands. These pillars are practiced by all Muslims globally. The Islamic five pillars are:

1.      Shahada; Declaration of faith – there’s no God worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is his servant and messenger.

2.      Salah; Five daily prayers. Glorifications and thanks of the Lord, supplications and repentance, sending salutations and peace upon the messenger are incorporated in these prayers.

3.      Alms; a system of charity given to the poor to help eradicate poverty from the world.

4.      Fasting Ramadan; Abstaining from food and sex during the daytime for one month. The fasting reminds the rich of the hunger of the poor and increases faith and brotherhood within the believers.

5.      Hajj; Pilgrimage to the holy city of Makkah. Over three million Muslims meet at the Hajj every year.

Islam also demands its followers to believe in six pillars of Eman (faith):

1.      Allah (The God).

2.      His Angels.

3.      His books: Torah (given to Moses), Zabur (given to David), Enjeel (given to Jesus), and Furqan/Quran (given to Muhammad). Peace be upon them all.

4.      His Messengers (From Adam to Muhammad)

5.      The Judgment Day.

6.      The Destiny. (E.g. Allah knows whatever will happen why they happen, and which way humans follow, His way or the Satan’s.)

The concept of God in Islam is such that He is uniquely one. He is called as Allah (The God). When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked as to who is Allah, God Himself gave him the answer through revelation that reads, “Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;112:4 and there is none like unto Him.” (Quran 112:1-4). Islam teaches that God’s attributes cannot belong to any of his creations and he doesn’t take any of his creations’ attributes. He transcends time and space – as he is the creator of both – and He controls what’s happening in the whole universe.

According to Islam’s philosophy of religion evolution, mankind and jinn are the only creations which were granted the free choice to either obey him and granted paradise or disobey him and be punished. Similarly, as mentioned above religion started as pure monotheism. As the offspring of Adam and Eve grew larger, they invented other pagan and polytheistic religions. To guide them back to the right path, Allah sent messengers with scriptures and miracles.

The main sacred text of Islam is Al-Quran (the recitation). It’s God’s words. God’s speech in the first person. The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in a period of 23 years. A larger number of the sahaba (the companions of the Prophet) memorized the Quran letter by letter during the prophet’s life. When the prophet passed away and a number of those companions also died, the Quran was, then compiled under the supervision of its memorizers. However some people had notes on animal skins, bones, and leaves etc. which they considered as Quran. But the committee that compiled the Quran gathered those notes and burnt them.

To prove its claim of divine origin, the Quran contains literary challenges. One such challenge reads, “And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. ” (Quran, 2:23). Although some people tried and failed, the challenge has not been met until today. It’s also worth mentioning that this book remained exactly as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad fourteen centuries ago. Muslims today read one version of the Quran and there are millions of Muslims – children and adults – who know it by heart. Muslims believe that this phenomenon is happening because of Allah’s promise to protect His last book, “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).” (Quran 15:9).

Besides the Quran, the prophet’s quotes were documented carefully. The Quran teaches that Prophet Muhammad was not only given Al-Quran, but also a different revelation. The prophet’s sayings and daily life activities were documented separately from the Quran and named hadith – as believed by Muslims that words of Allah should not be mixed with human words. The Islamic tradition to preserve the authenticity of the hadith was also amazing. Early scholars of hadith use different criteria to judge the hadith’s authenticity. For instance, there’s a branch in the science of hadith known as ilmur-rijal (the biographies of people) to “evaluate the credibility of narrators.” his/her behavior, memory, morals, intelligence etc. are included; in addition, the text – known  as matn – is also evaluated through a long list of criteria (Hamza tzortzis 2012).

            Although Muslims are united and agree on the basic principles of Islam, some political wars have formed the two main branches of Muslim communities, the Sunnis and the Shi’ites. Shi’ites are about “10-20% of the world's normative body of Muslims” (Wikipedia). Both the Sunnis and the Shi’ites have small schools of thoughts with in their bodies.


Works Cited

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. "Quran 112:1-4." The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation & Commentary. Elmhurst, NY: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, 2012. N. pag. Print.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. "Quran 2:23." The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation & Commentary. Elmhurst, NY: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, 2012. N. pag. Print.

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. "Quran 15:9." The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation & Commentary. Elmhurst, NY: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, 2012. N. pag. Print.

Tzortzis, Hamza. "A Response to Channel 4's "Islam: The Untold Story" Register Now and Get Started." Hamza Andreas Tzortzis. N.p., Sept. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. <>.

Wikipedia contributors. "Shia Islam." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 9 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

Cohabitation and Alternatives vs. Traditional Marriage

Cohabitation, living together without marriage, carries different meanings for cohabiting couples in the United States. As shown in (table 16.2), 10% of the couples (cohabitants) do it as a substitute for marriage, 46% as a step toward marriage, 15% as a trial marriage, and 29% as co-residential dating.

As sexual morals shrunken and premarital sex socially accepted, the practice of living together out of marriage arose. It provides both sexual and emotional satisfaction – with in an ongoing relationship that does not require the long-term commitment of marriage –, protection from divorce and “cheap life arrangement”.

Due to the fact that it is illegal and tentative union, a lot of family settings tend to be distorted. For instance, Linda J. Waite illustrates in her research on the subject, “One quarter of current stepfamilies involve cohabiting couples, and a significant proportion of 'single-parent' families are actually two-parent cohabiting families.”

She also notes the negative impact this practice can have on children saying, “The parenting role of a cohabiting partner toward the child(ren) of the other person is extremely vaguely defined. The non-parent partner – the man in the substantial majority of cases – has no explicit legal, financial, supervisory, or custodial rights or responsibilities regarding the child of his partner. This ambiguity and lack of enforceable claims by either cohabiting partner or child makes investment in the relationship dangerous for both parties and makes "Mom's boyfriend" a weak and shifting base from which to discipline and guide a child”.

In an interview conducted by NPR, on August 16th 2011, psychologist John Gottman describes some of the psychological problems facing children under cohabiting parents, “Both in externalizing disorders, more aggression… and internalizing disorders, more depression. Children of cohabiting couples are at greater risk than children of married couples.” He says.

In addition, besides the breakup of cohabitants has almost the same bad results as of divorce – conflict etc. – it has greater negative impact on women in their late twenties and thirties as they lose valuable time in which they can get married.

As for the traditional marriage, the legal permanent union of husband and wife, people get into it for several reasons, sexual and emotional satisfaction, legal financial rewards, and reproduction etc. Only in committed marriage can people’s genealogy survive and the human species continue in a healthy way. Marriage protects societies against immoralities and diseases – it’s what differentiates humans from animals. We learn how to bear responsibilities – not escape from them like in cohabitation –, we become psychologically more stable, we receive financial support from the other part, and we have the pleasure and luxury of having children.

Besides all its materialistic benefits, marriage also takes part in our spirituality. For example, in the Islamic tradition we are taught that Almighty God rewards both spouses for their marital duties – sexual intercourse, support for each other, healthy and stable input to society and so on.  We’re also told that one’s religion is half complete when he/she gets married; meaning marriage helps him/her to stay away from uncontrolled sex which happens to play one of the biggest roles in the destruction and degeneration of societies.
Works Cited
Ludden, Jennifer. "Study: Are Cohabiting Parents Bad For Kids?" NPR. NPR, 16 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.

Waite, Linda J. "The Communitarian Network." The Communitarian Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 May 2013. <>.



Public Smoking Should Be Banned

It’s not hidden from anyone the disastrous negative effects of smoking on the health and the wealth of people. “About 440,000 people in the United States die each year from smoking – and tobacco-related illnesses, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)” (Pappa. 10). Sadly enough, most smokers overspend on buying their own destruction from their hard earned money. Additionally, over $300 million is spent on “smoking-caused healthcare and Medicaid” on daily basis (Guilfoyle).  It’s interesting that the ban on indoor smoking is increasingly taking effect. It is a good step taken toward protecting the wellbeing of the public, mainly the nonsmokers. However, the visibility of that dangerous habit still remains a living tragic challenge to the health of the present and future generations in the form of public smoking. It’s an unavoidable temptation in the face of the youngsters, a hindrance on the way of those with the intentions to quit smoking, a risk to the health of nonsmokers in general, and a big contributor to the litter of the environment.

Children are the most susceptible individuals in societies. Social norms are their biggest teachers. They easily adopt the behaviors of the adults. When kids see people, they consider to be their role models, smoking every here and there, they won’t hesitate to translate the action as a glorious one which defines what an adult should do and thus start copying it. For instance, studies show that most smokers started smoking at an early age. “According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, more than 90 percent of adult smokers start smoking as teens, or younger” (Pappa. 10). In one of its daily tolls of tobacco use in the U.S, the campaign also publishes that more than “4,000 kids try their first cigarette each day” and more than “1,000 kids become regular daily smokers each day” (Guilfoyle). That’s a painful reality. If the visibility of smoking is limited by putting a strict ban on smoking in all public spaces, a lot of innocent little children will be saved.

It’s true that there are some smokers who wouldn’t think of quitting, but the reality is that their number is almost negligible compared to the large mass of smokers who wake up every morning with the intention to not light up any more cigarettes. The ban can be an effective factor to help those brave people who want to transform their lives from the regretful lives of cigarette smoking to healthier and smoke-free ones. It’s regretful, because the smoker hears, reads and watches the awareness campaigns against smoking every day – your health is in danger; you’re on the verge of getting cancer; if you don’t stop, there are high chances that smoking will take you to your grave and similar shocking statements pass by him almost every day. Smokers can feel the pain it takes to find yourself in the situation of wanting to quit while the public is not letting you because it’s enjoying a legal smoking habit to contaminate all your surroundings – even when you go to school there’s a big invitation attracting you to smoke. Banning smoking in all outside public spaces will not only save a great number of children from falling into the hazardous environment of smoking, but also help a lot of smokers take the courage to quit.

Generally speaking, the ban will also create a healthier smoke-free environment and reduce the risk of second-hand-smoking (SHS). The SHS is real. It’s not just possible in indoor places, but outdoor places as well. A recent study conducted by prominent scholars from number of Universities and centers of environmental health in the U.S revealed the effects of smoking in outside spaces on the health of nonsmokers. The researchers “assigned 28 participants to outdoor patios of a restaurant and a bar and an open-air site with no smokers on three weekend days… and collected saliva and urine samples immediately before and after the visits (post-exposure) and on the following morning and analyzed samples for cotinine and total NNAL, respectively” (Gideon St. Helen et al. 1010). The research concludes that “Salivary cotinine and urinary NNAL increased significantly in nonsmokers after outdoor SHS exposure… such exposures may increase risks of health effects associated with tobacco carcinogens” (Gideon St. Helen et al. 1010). Since public smoking is a great risk to the health of the public, a ban should be placed on it for the sake of the wellbeing of the public.

Another negative outcome of public smoking is its contribution to the litter of the environment. Cigarette butts are found almost everywhere. They damage the beauty of our country’s public spaces. According to the nonprofit group Keep America Beautiful, “Cigarette butts are the most frequently littered item. Tobacco products comprise 38% of all U.S. roadway litter and 30% at ‘transition points,’ places where smokers must discontinue smoking before proceeding.” While it’s true that cleaning up cigarette butts from public spaces is an effective tool, a ban on public smoking is more effective, as it puts an end to the availability of cigarette butts in our beautiful environment in the first place.

Some smokers almost get upset by the very moment this topic is raised. They argue that it infringes personal freedom. But if this is a point, then it’s like saying smokers’ freedom – to smoke in every outdoor spot – is more important than the health of the public and the beauty of the environment. That’s a selfish and cruel stance on the issue. If adult smokers like to put their own selves in risk, they are free to do so, but they shouldn’t be allowed to put others – especially children – in the same situation. Similarly, they shouldn’t be allowed to hold back those smokers who want to escape from it.

 In conclusion, cigarette smoking is not just bad for smokers, but rather for both the people and the land. When the publicity of smoking continues, the consequences are severely harsh. It’s a big risk to the health of the nonsmokers – both children and adults. It also distorts the image of our beautiful environment. Public smoking has to be banned in order for our society to be healthier and wealthier, and our environment to be more beautiful than ever.




Works Cited

Gideon St. Helen, J et al. "Exposure to Secondhand Smoke Outside of a Bar and a Restaurant and Tobacco Exposure Biomarkers in Nonsmokers." Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 120, No. 7 (JULY 2012), pp. 1010-1016. Brogan & Partners. Web. 16 Apr. 2013.

Guilfoyle, Jessica. "THE DAILY TOLL OF TOBACCO USE IN THE USA." Campaign For Tobacco-Free Kids 122106 (2011): n.pag. Daily Toll. Web. 17 April 2013.

Pappa, Lauren. "Why do teens smoke? Despite the risks, many kids are still lighting up. Why?" Junior Scholastic 28 Nov. 2005: 10+. General OneFile. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.

"Results from the Nation’s Largest Litter Study." Keep America Beautiful, Jan. 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2013. <>.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Evolution, Creation or Both

For the Muslim there is no need for separation between religion and science. It is understood from the Quran, revealed over 1,400 years ago, that there is both; "Creation" and "Evolution." And in both instances, it is only Allah who is "Able to do all things." In fact, it was the Muslim scientists, more than 1,000 years ago, who set the stage for the advancement of learning, technology and disciplines in science that we know today.

Allah has explained how He created everything in the universe and brought all life out of water. He created humans from earth (not monkeys) and there is no need to attempt fabrications of "links" to the animal world in Islam.

The Christian Bible says that Adam & Eve were both created here on Earth, less than 10,000 years ago. The Quran says that Adam & Eve were created in Heaven, and NOT on Earth. When they disobeyed God, He expelled them from Heaven, down to Earth.
Muslims believe that souls are assigned to humans 40 days after the human inception. The Quran says that angels retrieve human souls on two occasions. One occasion is when humans die. The other occasion is every time humans fall asleep. When humans wakeup, the angels release those souls back to them:

 It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that did not die, during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back, but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed. Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.
[Noble Quran 39:42]

 And Allah has Created every animal from water; of them are some creeping on their bellies; some walk on two legs; and some on four. Allah Creates what He wills: for sure Allah has Power over all things.
[Noble Quran 24:45]

The Quran has set a precedent 14 centuries before modern science, explaining in simple and direct terms about his "creation" of animals and their various functions and then assures us it is He who has the Power over everything. This statement includes the fact Allah can if He Wills, reshape and alter his creation as He Chooses. There is clear evidence within many species of alteration and changes within the species. However, there is no concrete evidence to support a cross over in development from one type to another, such as reptiles turning into birds or alligators turning into cows. The statements made in Quran are quite clear when Allah tells us of having brought forth other life forms and then destroying or replacing them with others. This again, does not imply evolution in the sense of one type becoming or changing into another.

Allah tells us He is Al-Bari, (The Shaper or Evolver) but once again, this does not mean He has a need to bring about each individual life form all from one kind. Actually, while reading the Quran you learn He has brought many types and shapes and sizes as He Wills. Changes within species occur even as quickly as one or two seasons, not even taking a whole year, much less millions as was supposed by Darwin.

Speaking of Charles Darwin, he was only an armature naturalist and had only observed the finches (birds) on the Galapagos Islands for the first time in the mid 1850s. He noticed that on each island the birds had different shaped beaks according to the type of food available on their particular island. For this reason, he assumed, the birds had progressed over millions of years and only the hardiest of the species had survived the climate and vegetation changes. However, this is totally inaccurate and was dismissed as a mere humor in a TV series on the educational channel in October of 1998. According to the scientists’ discoveries in that very same year, the effects of the weather phenomenon known as El Nino, the climate on these same exact islands had drastically changed in a single year within a number of months. And to their surprise, the eggs of the finches on each island hatched open producing birds with beaks already altered to accommodate the changes of their environment.

The commentator even said this shoots Darwin's theory completely down and he laughed.

There is no DNA research pointing to a connection between apes and humans as was supposed by the scientists and those who had financed them over the years. In fact, the barnyard pig is closer to humans in many aspects, than a monkey or a gorilla. Consider the fact, doctors use the skin from pigs to replace needed tissue on burn victims and the famous movie actor, John Wayne had a pig's heart valve installed in his own heart in a 1977 operation to save his life. It worked, too - until his smoking caused him to die of cancer.

The rational approach to the whole subject is rather simple. Just as He is able to Create the universe and bring forth life, it is simple also for Him to produce as many different types of forms of life as He Wills. No problem for Him, after all - He is the Creator and He is the Shaper. And most important, He can change anything as He Wills - even today

Transported from:

Dire Reminder


All praise, thanks and worship are due to Allah the Almighty, and may His peace, blessings and mercy be on our beloved prophet Muhammad....

Dear Muslim/Muslimah,

I’m quite sure that you do not only follow Islam, but you love it, act according to its teachings willingly because you know it’s the religion of peace, truth and prosperity in this world and in the next.

Following are some lines to remind ourselves few things with regards this precious gift (Islam) from the creator.

Islam unlike any other religion demonstrates proofs for its teachings and beliefs. It also deals with both the bodily satisfaction and spiritual wishes of human beings.

The concept of God is one that’s real, unique and well explained in Islam. It teaches something called Tawheed which basically means the unification of the true Allah’s attributes, powers and worships. Tawheed lies in four simple lines of the glorious Qur’an:

“Say; He is Allah, the One and only.
 Allah the absolute and eternal.
 He begets not and He’s not begotten. 
And there’s nothing like (comparable) Him” [Surah Ikhlas, 112:1-4]

This Surah (chapter) of the Qur’an is equivalent to one-third of the Qur’an’s message, some scholars call it the touchstone of theology for the fact that it describes the true God in a very concise way.

Since Allah is the creator of time and space, he’s always been there. He’s the uncaused cause, the absolute eternal. Amongst his beautiful attributes we find that he’s the most merciful and most just. He never treats anyone unjustly and he never spares anyone who deserves a punishment.

For more on the concept of God you may refer to the following sources:

  1. Kitab At-tawheed by Sh. Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahab

The concept of ‘Ibadah (worship) in Islam is understood to be doing all our daily actions according to Allah’s manual instructions of how human-being should lead their lives. All these instructions can be found in the Qur’an, and prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) role was to explain the Qur’an. There’re certain major acts of worship including but not limited to:

  • Salah - Five times mental programming towards righteousness, Allah Says:
    “...Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing....”        [Ankabut, 29:45]

  • Zakah - A lunar financial (charity) system to eradicate poverty and cure the disease of selfishness and greed.
    “Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase (faith)....”                             [Tawbah, 9:103]

  • Siyam - A healthy fasting system in the month of Ramadan which helps increase faith, God consciousness, remembering and helping the poor. Allah orders the believers:
    “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous”            [Baqarah, 2:183]

  • Hajj - People from all over the world go on hajj every year showing Islam’s universal message, Allah orders prophet Ibrahim saying:
    “And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass”        [Hajj, 22:27]

Islam doesn’t forbid humankind to enjoy life, but it shows them the best way to enjoy it. All healthy food, having lawful sex, making money (while preserving peoples’ rights) and all sorts of individual and social development are permitted. You may read "Enjoy your life" a book written by Dr. Muhammad Al-Arefe for more examples. 

Certain things are prohibited in Islam for the sole purpose to protect mankind from any sorts of mischief and misery.

Many sciences define this great religion of Almighty Allah. It’s discussed in various branches of speciality in schools and universities. Believe me you’ll never regret the time you spend on learning God’s last message to humanity.

If you’re not ready to enroll yourself in one of its professional courses, at least give it some of your time, read online, listen, watch and contemplate.

Here are some good resources for you to ponder over:

For miracles in Islam:

If you are a new Muslim (revert/convert) you can go to this website:

You might’ve noticed there’s an online islamic university:

If you have any comment on this message feel free to comment below, or you can reach me at

Jazakallahu kheiran for your time,

Wassalamu Aleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Martyrs of today..

This few lines of poem was dedicated to the somali students who were bombed on 04/October/2011 prior to their departure to Turkey for scholarship.
To the martyrs of today
I give glad tidings and say
Go home (Jannah) o beloved do not delay
Gardens are on the way
Forgotten are pains of yesterday
Your mission was complete today
Alhamdulillah you didn’t sway
Rather your murderers should decay
A priceless fee they should pay
The Just Lord they’ll face
Punishable are them for their disgrace
To the honor of the human race
All praise is to ALLAH, the worlds’ Lord
For His just and fair reward
To both the good and the bad
Composed on 5/10/11 4.30am
By Muhammad Fauzy

Ma wax la dayici karaa waa dahabe????!!!!

Salaadda Fajrigu waxay ka ashtakooneysaa in dad badani ay dayaceen, ayadoona ah salaad aad uu ilaahay u amaanay, Allaah swt wuu ku dhaartay salaadddan wuxuuna yiri:

(والفجر . وليال عشر )

“waxaan ku dhaartay fajriga (salaada subax). Iyo tobanka habeen (ee dulxijjah)”

Allaah swt wuxuu kaloo yiri: 

  (أقم الصلاة لدلوك الشمس إلى غسق الّيل وقرءان الفجر إن قرءان الفجر مشهودا)

“Salaadda oog gabal gaabadka (casarka) ilaa mugdiga habeenkii iyo qur’aanka fajriga (Salaada subax), xaqiiqdii qur’aanka fajrigu waa markhaati (u hiilliya cidii ilaalisa)”

Imisa ajar ah ayaad dayacday maalintaad ka seexatid, ama ilowdid ama waqtigeeda daahisid salaadda subax???? Maxaa keyd aakhiro ku dhaafay oodan ka faa’iideysan????

1. Salaadda subax waxay u dhigantaa taagnaan loo taagnaado Ilaahay dartii habeen dhan. 

Hurdadoo ka toosto + Aadaankood ajiibto + salaad aad la tukato mu’miniinta sharafta
leh = Ajar habeen idil ood taagneyd. Eeg wuxuu nabigu scw nagu yiri:

(من صلى العشاء في جماعة فكـأنما قام نصف الليل ومن صلى الصبح في جماعة فكأنما قام الليل كله) 

“Qofkii cishaha la tukada jamaacada waa sidii isagoo taagnaa habeenka badhkii, qofkii subaxa la tukada jamaacada waa sidii isagoo taagnaa habeenkoo idil”

2. Maganta Allaah ood gasho. Qofkuu ilaahay dhowro ma cidbaa wax yeeli karta???? Bal eeg wuxuu nabigu scw yiri:

عن أبي ذر رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : (من صلى الصبح فهو في ذ مة الله)

“Qofkii ooga salaadda subax wuxuu ku jiraa maganta Allaah”

3. Salaada subax oo jamaacada lagu tukado waa iftiin (nuur) maalinta qiyaamaha. Akhri bishaarada nabiga scw:

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : (بشر المشّائين في الظلم إلى المساجد بالنور التام يوم القيامة )

“Ugu bishaaree akhyaarta mugdiga u dhex qaada masaajidda NUUR dhameystiran maalinta qiyaamaha”

heerka iftiinkuna wuxuu le egyahay heerka mugdiga, qofkii badsada mugdiga inuu dhex lugeeyo si uu usoo tukado, nuurkiisana wuu weynaan oo iftiinkiisu wuu badan maalinta qiyaamaha

4. Jannadoo uu galo qofkii ooga fajriga, nabigu scw wuxuu yiri:

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : (من صلى البردين دخل الجنة) والبردين هما الفجر والعصر

“Qofkii tukada labada (xilli) ee qab-qaboow, jannaduu geli” xilliyadaana waa fajriga iyo casarka.

وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم : (لن يلج النار أحد صلى قبل طلوع الشمس وقبل غروبها)

“Naarta ma galaayo axad tukaday qoraxda intaanay soo bixin iyo intaanay dhicin”

5. Warbixin heersare ah oo carfoon baa lagaaga gudbin xagga rabbiga samaawaatka, akhyaaryahow la tukaday subaxa akhyaarta kale, Ila akhri xadiiskan quruxda badan:

قال صلىالله عليه وسلم : (يتعاقبون فيكم ملائكة بالليل وملائكة بالنهار ويجتمعون في صلاة الصبح والعصر ثم يعرج الذين باتو فيكم فيسألهم الله وهو أعلم كيف وجدتم عبادي؟ فيقولون تركناهم وهم يصلون وأتيناهم وهم يصلون)

“waxaa isu kiin daba mara malaa’ig habeenkii ah iyo kuwo maalintii ah, waxaanay kulmaan salaadaha subaxa iyo casirka, ka dib ayaa waxaa (samada) fuula kuwii xalay idin la joogay, markaasuu Allaah weydiiyaa kuwaas, asagoo ka ogaansho badan, ‘sideey ahaayeen addoomadaydu?’waxay yiraahdaan waxaanu kasoo tagnay ayagoo tukanaya (subaxa/casarka) waxaanan u tagnay ayagoo tukanaya (subaxa/casarka)”

Bishaareyso addoonkii Ilaahayoow, midka salaadaha (gaar ahaan subaxa) ilaaliyayoow, magacaaga waxaa laga dhex sheegi boqortooyada aan mid u dhiganta lahayn, miyaanay sharaf iyo ammaan kuugu filleyn???!!!

6. Rasuulku scw wuxuu yiri:

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : (ركعتا الفجر خير من الدنيا وما فيها)

“Labada rakcadood ee subaxa (sunnada hore) ayaa ka khayr badan dunida iyo waxa saran”

7. Ma dooneysaa risqi iyo barako? la tuko salaada subax jamaacada, hubaashi waad heliye. Nabiga scw wuxuu ugu ducayn jiray umadiisa:

(اللهم بارك لأمتي في بكورها)

“Ilaahoow ummadayda u barakee hiraabeheeda (xiliga salaada subax)”

Mu’miniinta sharafta lahoow, sida qofka salaadda xafida uu u leeyahay keyd, ajar, iyo faa’iidooyin kaloo badan, waxaa qofka dayaca u sugnaatay dhib iyo qaxar aduunyada iyo aakhiradaba ahaatay waxaana ka mid ah:

1. Inuu qofku ku sifoobo munaafiq!!! Rabbi swt, asagoo ka hadlaya munaafiqiinta ayuu yiri:

(وإذا قامو إلى الصلاة قامو كسالى يراؤون الناس ولا يذكرون الله إلا قليلاً)

“Markeey salaadda u istaagaan waxay u kacaan ayagoo caajisan, dadkey is tus-tusi mana xusaan Allaah in yar mooyaane”

2. Hoog iyo halaag u sugnaaday qofka salaada ka taga ama dayaca, Allaah swt wuxuu yiri:

(فويل للمصلين . الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون )

“Waadi naareed baa u sugnaaday dadka tukada oo salaadooda sahwiya (dayaca)”

3. Shaydaankoo dhagaha uga kaadiya, bal ila qooraanso xadiiskan:

روي أن بن مسعود قال : ذكر عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم رجل نام ليلة حتى أصبح، قال : (ذاك رجل بال الشيطان في أذنيه)ه

Waxaa laga wariyey inuu Ibnu Mascuud yiri: “ nabiga scw ayaa looga warramay nin seexday habeen ilaa uu ka waaberiisto, wuxuu nabigu scw yiri: ‘Kaasu waa miduu shaydaanku dhegaha uga kaadshay’ ”

Taasi waxay cadeyneysaa inuu shaydaanka iska rigeystay qofka salaada ka seexda, oo uu ka adkaaday illaa uu ka yeeshay musqushii (suuligii) uu ku kaadinayay, Ilaahay baannu ka magan galnaye. 

4. Qurmuunimo iyo kaslaanimo maalintiyoo dhan kor saaran qofka salaada ka seexda. Taa waxaa ka sii daran fadeexo iyo dadkoo naca taariku salaadka. Mid ka mid ah taabiciintii saxaabada ayaa waxaa laga soo guuriyey oraahdan:

(إن الرجل ليذنب الذنب فيصبح وعليه ومذلته)

“Qofku dambi buu galaa markaasuu dullinimada (dambigaas) la waaberiistaa”

5. Madaxoo laga burburiyo qofka ka taga salaadda qabriga dhexdiisa iyo aakhiraba, waxaa ku soo arooray bukhaari:

(راى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في رأيا له أن رجلا مستلقيا على قفاه وآخر قائم عليه بصخرة يهوي بها على رأسه فيشد في رأسه فتتدهور الحجر فإذا ذهب ليأخذه فلا يرجع حتى يعود رأسه كما كان يفعل به مثل المرة الأولى وهكذا حتى تقوم الساعة فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم هذا جبريل ، قال هذا الذي يأخذ القرآن ويرفضه وينام عن الصلاة المكتوبة)

Nabigu scw wuxuu riyo ku arkay (riyada nabiguna waa waxyi) nin dhulka jeegadu u taalo, mid kalena dhagax la kor taagan yahay, oo uu madaxa uga sii deynayo, maduxuu ka burburi, dhagixiina wuu dilandiloon, markuu dhagaxa soo qabsado wuxuu u yimaadaa kiiyoo madixiisii caadi noqday, wuxuu ku sameeyaa tabtii uu markii hore yeelay oo kale, sidaasuuna ku wadi ilaa ay saacadu istaagto. Nabigu scw markaa wuxuu yiri: “kani (midka waxyiga ii keenay) waa jibriil”, wuxuu yiri: “kani (midka madaxa laga bashaaqay) waa qofka qaata qur’aanka ka dibna ka hor yimaada salaadda faralka ahna ka seexda”

6. Waxaa laga mamnuuci risqiga iyo barakada. IbnulQayim ayaa wuxuu yiri:

(ونومة الصبح تمنع الرزق لأنه وقت تقسم فيه الأرزاق)

“Hurdada subixii (laga seexdo salaada) waxay mamnuucdaa risqiga, sababtoo ah waqtigaas ayaa la qeybiyaa arsaaqda”

رأى بن عباس ابنا له نائما نوم الصبح فقال له " قم! أتنام في الساعة التي تقسم فيها الأرزاق؟"

Ibnu cabbaas baa arkay wiiluu dhalay oo subixii jiifa, markaasuu ku yiri: “ Kac! Ma waxaad seexaneysaa saacadda arsaaqda la qeybiyo?”

Addoonkii Alloow, ha u dayma darnaan oo ha dayicin salaadaha guud ahaan gaar ahaanna salaadda fajriga. Ileyska u soo bax, geesi halyeey ah oo jabiya cadowga (shaydaanka) noqo, Ilaahayna talo saaro.

Arrimahaan dhowrka ah waxay kaa kaalmeynayaa inaad salaadda subax la tukato jamaacada:

  1. Waqti hore seexo.
  2. Ilaali aadaabta sharciga ah ee hurdada (adkaarta iyo dhinaca midig ood u seexato iwm).
  3. Khayr abuur si aad u guratid khayr.
  4. Ha badsan cunnada iyo cabbitaanka (gaar ahaan habeenki).
  5. Ka fogoow macaasida maalintii.
  6. Ha halmaamin miraha samirka.

Intii aan hagaajiyey waxay ka timi xag ALLAAH, wixii aan khalday ama aan is daba mariyeyna waa xagga nafteydiyo shaydaan, waxaanse aad u jeclaan lahaa in hadii aad la kulantid wax khalad (xagga daabacaada, ama adillada) ah in aad si walaaltinimo ah iigu baraarujisid.

ugu dambeyntii...

Allaahu jalla jalaaluhuu wuxuu yiri:

(وتعاونو على البر والتقوى ولا تعاونو على الإثم والعدوان)

" Isugu kaalmeeya wanaagga iyo Allaah ka cabsiga, hana isugu kaalmaynina dambiga iyo cadaawada "

Middaas adigoo niyadda ku haya, iigu kaalmee xusuusintan yar inaad gaarsiiso asxaabtaada, gaar ahaan kuwa aad is leedahay salaadda subax dadkey ka ashtakootay bey ka mid yihiin. Ilaahay ajarkaaga ma dayacayo, bal e wuu kuu labanlaabi..
Waa walaalkiin Muxammad Fowzi oo idin xusuusinaya lacalla haddii aad yara halmaamteen...